Proposal to Remodel Arnolfini (detail), 2012, architectural model of Arnolfini gallery transformed into an Entrepreneurial Garden

Proposal to Remodel Arnolfini, 2012

architectural model with paper, card and plastic elements

This is a satirical proposal to transform Arnolfini, Bristol – a public art institution – into a work space for freelancers from the creative industries. It takes the form of an architectural model of the building and explores how distinctions between work and leisure, public and private, are collapsed within the apparently playful workplaces characteristic of the post-Fordist economy. It highlights the demands placed on workers today to be entrepreneurial and self-reliant; individuals happily instrumentalising their creativity, striving for personal growth and self-actualisation while accepting less and less job security. It was exhibited as part of my solo exhibition at Arnolfini, Bristol, in 2012, titled ‘Rise Early, Be Industrious’.

Proposal to Remodel Arnolfini, 2012, architectural model of Arnolfini gallery transformed into an Entrepreneurial Garden

Proposal to Remodel Arnolfini (detail), 2012