Aadieu Adieu Apa (Goodbye Goodbye Father), 2009
series of printed posters
A series of five allegories on history, nationalism and the financial system. Playing with genres such as broadsheet announcements of monstrous animals, newspaper front pages, and theatre play bills, the posters draw on my long-standing interest in the history of political satire and popular printing. They depict events that range from the suffragette Mary Richardson’s attack on the Velázquez painting of Venus at the National Gallery in 1914, to the use of anti-terrorist law by the British government to seize Icelandic bank assets, following the 2008 banking collapse.
Originally exhibited in the solo show ‘Aadieu Adieu Apa (Goodbye Goodbye Father)’ at Gasworks, London.
Advertisement for an Absurdist Play on the Theme of England and Iceland Being at War, 2009
printed poster
A Female Matricide, 2009
printed poster
Don’t Take Any Wooden Nutmegs!, 2009
printed poster
At Least Once a Month, 2009
printed poster
Further Information
‘Olivia Plender: AADIEU ADIEU APA (Goodbye Goodbye Father)’, Gasworks, London, 2009
(view here)